Panther chameleon: A comprehensive care guide

Panther Chameleons are marvelous reptiles that are getting popular among people. They have unique colorful skin and uncomplicated care requirements, making them the best choice for pet lovers.

Panther chameleon is a Spectacular arboreal lizard that originates from the northeastern side of Madagascar. They usually remain in lower sections of the jungle where their prey is plentiful; Moreover, they can cover themselves from predators. Panther Chameleons can change their color significantly according to their origin or predecessors.

Panther Chameleons require a specific environment and Conditions to live and grow. Therefore before buying a Panther Chameleon; It is crucial to conduct necessary homework. In this article, we will cover each and every aspect of Panther Chameleon to help you buy and take care of your great pet.

What does a panther chameleon look like?

Panther Chameleon is similar to chameleon specificities; they are a family of arboreal lizards with thin legs, long spiraling tails, and appendages that fold around branches. They have a spectacular ability to change colors and patterns based on their location of origin.

For example, Panther chameleons in Madagascar Island are Turquoise, blue-green, and emerald green in color; While Panther Chameleons of the Northwest coast of Madagascar have yellowish stripes and bright pink.

Although it is a common belief that Panther Chameleons can change their color according to surroundings that make a perfect camouflage; In reality, Panther Chameleons change their color based on temperature and their emotional state.

How do Panther chameleons change their color?

Panther Chameleons can change their color with small particles in their cell, known as Nanocrystals. These Nanocrystals are the reason Panther chameleons can change their color.

Panther Chameleons can control the density of these nanocrystals; Hence, when Nanocrystals are close with each other, the Chameleon takes Darker Color. On the other hand, when Nanocrystals move away from each other, Panther Chameleon’s skin changes to a lighter color.

How big do Panther Chameleons get?

Panther Chameleon Size increases in different proportions based on gender. Baby Panther Chameleon is just an inch at the time of birth; they quickly reach sexual maturity within four months.

Male Panther Chameleons get 20 inches in size and weigh 220 grams; Female Panther Chameleons are smaller and are 14 inches in size with a weight of 160 grams. The tail base of females is slimmer, whereas males have a thicker tail base which is their sex organ.

How long does the Panther Chameleon live?

The lifespan of Panther Chameleons may vary depending on their habitat; For example, Panther chameleons may have a lifespan of a few years in the wild due to parasites, disease, and predation.

While in captivity, Panther Chameleons can live up to 5 years; Some research also suggests that captive Male Panther Chameleons can live up to 9 years.

Although Panther Chameleons who are wild-caught live up to a shorter life, a maximum of 2 years. On the other hand, Female Panther chameleons born in captivity can live an average life of 3 years.

How to take care of your Panther Chameleon?

Panther Chameleons were considered a nightmare in the past for captivity; But this has dramatically changed, now reptiles lovers consider keeping it relatively easy. But still, it is essential to take necessary measures to ensure the healthy life of your Panther Chameleon.

Some of the main things to consider include a balanced diet, a properly maintained environment, and fulfilling the specific needs of reptiles. Now we will look at essential guidelines in detail on how to take care of your Panther Chameleon.

Cage Size

The Size of the Panther Chameleon may vary; therefore, there is various information regarding ideal Cage and enclosure size. We would highly suggest that you choose the size in which your Reptile can spend their whole lives from young age to adulthood; Therefore, the preferable size of Cage would be at least 24 in. deep, 24 in. wide, and 36 in. in length.

If your Chameleon is a male, then it is better to make your Cage even taller; As it is better to give more space to your Panther Chameleon.

Remember, the best Cage type has 2 screened sides for ventilation, which should be the back & top of the enclosure. The rest of the sidewalls may be made of glass.


Panther chameleon Habitat

Panther Chameleons naturally live in the dense jungles of Madagascar; they are tree dwellers; Therefore, it is crucial to create the same artificial environment for them. Incorporating branches of trees in the Cage is a good idea; You can arrange them to make paths within the enclosure.

You can use different bran Nano crystals They k branches, oak wood, and jungle vines. There is no rule of thumb, so you can get creative while creating paths for your Reptile.

You can add live plants to your enclosure as they have multiple benefits; Firstly, they ensure the safety of your Reptile; secondly, the Panther Chameleon can collect from these plants. Incorporating artificial plants is also an alternative to live plants. Live plants include ficus, Pothos, weeping figs, and Umbrella plants. Use an absorbent substrate at the bottom of the enclosure to keep it humid.

Temperature Requirement

Panther Chameleon is a Diurnal creature which means they remain active during the daytime. But sunlight won’t be abundant in the Cage to stimulate your Reptile; therefore, you need to set up artificial lights.

Lightning will play the role of simulating day and night for your Panther Chameleon to remain active; it will also help maintain temperature.

All reptiles regulate their body temperature, and Pantheon Chameleon is no exception. Therefore, you should use a light gradient to maintain the ideal temperature for your Reptile. Set up a basking light on the top of the Cage and ensure that it is not reachable by the Lizard.

Adjust the temperature of the basking corner up to 90° Fahrenheit; While the cooler side temperature should be 75°. Keep in mind that Panther Chameleons can sustain temperatures as low as 68° Fahrenheit; If the temperature gets lower than that, use a heater to keep the Reptile warm.

As Panther Chameleons spend most of their time in the sun, they naturally absorb radiation. Therefore to simulate the sun, use UVB light to compensate for UV rays. It is recommended to keep the light on for 10 to 14 hours to complete the sun’s cycle.

Humidity Requirement

Panther Chameleons need a certain level of humidity to survive. They get the necessary amount of moisture from the environment in the wild. But when kept in an enclosure, it is your responsibility to maintain humidity level up to at least 50%; If required, the maximum level to which it can be increased is 75%. Use a state-of-the-art Hygrometer to measure and monitor the status of humidity in the Cage.

Add absorption substrate, live plants, and absorbent branches to keep the enclosure humid; Even after applying these tactics, it is still vital to spray water to your Cage every day to keep it humid and live.

What do Panther chameleons eat?

What do Panther chameleons eat?

Panther Chameleons’ diet vary in the wild due to their location and ancestry. They are omnivorous animals that rely primarily on eating vegetation & insects. But when kept in an enclosure, they depend mainly on eating insects.

Their favorite diet is cockroaches, black crickets, locusts, mealworms, and brown crickets. Most of the owners prefer to feed their reptile crickets. The Diet of a Baby Panther Chameleon would be about 12 small crickets per day; Whereas adult Panther Chameleon needs 7 to 10 crickets every other day.

There are Various Calcium and Multivitamins supplements available in the marketplace. Many are available in powder form, so you can dust the crickets with supplements and feed them to your Lizard.


Panther Chameleons can easily access water in the wild, but in captivity, they would drink it from the dish as they are not used to.

However, it is still recommended that you keep water in the tank for many reasons. Firstly, Panther Chameleons will have all-time access to water which they may drink based on their will. Lastly, they will have access to bathing and cleaning their eyes.

Panther Chameleons typically prefer to drink water from plant leaves; they require to drink thorough water twice in one day. Therefore, it is essential to mist the plant leaves. Moreover, you can install an automatic water dripping system; but make sure to add a draining system to avoid water pooling in the Cage.

Potential Health Concerns

Although Panther Chameleons adjust their body requirements quite easily in the wild, they require necessary care to maintain themselves in captivity. You can avoid health hazards for your stunning colorful Chameleon with simple care.

Firstly, make sure your UVB light is always functioning correctly. Secondly, their calcium level may decrease, so keep adding calcium supplements to their diet. In case of deficiency of UV rays and calcium, the most had it usually to everyone’smosthadit usually to Panther chameleon may become weak, and the risk of fractures will double. Moreover, younger Chameleons may develop deformities.

Some other kinds of Potential Health issues include Vitamin deficiencies, Metabolic Bone Disease, Mouth rot, skin infections, respiratory diseases, and liver diseases.

Almost all of these diseases result from a filthy environment; therefore, thoroughly clean your enclosure daily and conduct a deep clean every four weeks. Remove each decoration and sanitize the whole surface; only this way can you keep viruses and bacteria to the minimum.

The behavior of Panther Chameleon

behavior of Panther Chameleon

Panther Chameleon doesn’t like the company very much; they prefer to live in solitude. Not only do they prefer living alone, but they also get angry and may attack if they find someone in their territory. Panther Chameleon may show different colors when in rage and attempt to look bigger to threaten their opponent.

Keeping a single Chameleon in the enclosure; You can monitor it daily, and they may seem still most of the time. But they move toward the basking area to get warm and return to the ground to cool down.

Handling Panther Chameleons

Panther Chameleons do not like to be handled as it may lead to stress; Rather, they need more observation than handling. Although some lizards will tolerate the handling, it is still essential to be careful. If you are willing to handle it, start from its tail to slow it down and slowly grab its entire body.

The best thing about Panther Chameleon is that you can quickly get the idea of their emotional levels from their coloration. If the colors of Panther chameleons start to change, this means they have enough of the handling; And it’s time to put them back to the enclosure.

Where to get Panther Chameleon?

We hope you are now impressed with the attractive characteristics of rainbow color lizards and ready to buy one. But you may wonder where to buy from; well, the best place to buy a Panther Chameleon is from a reputable breeder. As the majority of Chameleons sold in the pet shop are caught from the wild, they are prone to diseases.

Panther Chameleons captured from the wild may have a traumatic experience with parasites and infections and may suffer from dehydration. Moreover, wild Panther Chameleons face difficulty in living in a captive environment. In contrast, Panther Chameleons, which are captive-bred, can easily adjust in the enclosure environment.

How much does a Panther Chameleon cost?

Determining How much a panther chameleon is worth can be a tricky question; As it depends on numerous factors. Their Price depends on Morph, breeder, and color; Normally, they range between a minimum of $150 to $600. Panther chameleons breed more effectively in captivity than any other chameleon type.

Does Panther Chameleon do Well in Captivity?

In the past, Chameleons were not considered suitable for Captivity; This was primarily due to the low survival rate of Chameleons acquired from the wild.

But with the advancement of Captive breeding, Panthers can live their entire life span in Captivity. Professional breeders take necessary measures to ensure their reptiles thrive and grow in a suitable environment.

This advancement in Captive Breeding paved the way for reptiles enthusiasts to keep the pets. Moreover, due to the advent of Captive Breeding, Panther Chameleons fall under the category of most minor concern in the International organization of Conserving Nature.


Do Panther Chameleons like to be held?

Although it is possible to hold Panther Chameleons, they don’t like to be kept. But some Chameleons do develop tolerance to be held, but normally it is better to observe from afar and not bother them much.

What’s the best practice for taking care of a Panther Chameleon?

The Best practice to adopt in order to take care of your Panther chameleon cleaning. Panther Chameleons, like other pets, thrive in a clean environment. Therefore it is essential to spot clean every day and completely clean the whole enclosure every four-week interval.

Do Panther Chameleons require high maintenance?

Yes, Panther Chameleons require high maintenance to survive in Captivity. It is crucial to take care of their nutrition and clean and keep them in a controlled environment.

What is Panther Chameleon average Life Span?

Panther chameleons typically live for about 5 to 7 years under good conditions

How do Large Panther Chameleons get?

Male Panther chameleons grow up to 12 to 18 inches while females remain smaller about the estimated size of 12 to 14 inches

How large should the enclosure of a Panther Chameleon be?

Adult Male Panther Chameleon should be kept in 36 inches tall and 18 inches long enclosure, while Female Panther Chameleon 30 inches tall and 16 inches wide enclosure. Keep in mind these sizes are minimum; it is always better to buy a bigger size and make room for your Lizard.

What is the Price Range of Panther Chameleons?

Panther Chameleon varies according to their species and typically ranges from $150 to $500.

Do Panther Chameleons do well in Captivity?

Traditionally, Panther Chameleons were not considered fit for Captivity, but now this has changed. Professional Breeders have made protocols and claim that breeding has created a favorable environment for the Panther Chameleons. But also help in sustaining their species.


Panther Chameleons are the wondrous and most fascinating type of reptiles. Their attractive unique colors and easy to keep instructions make them the best choice for reptile lovers.

About The Author

Rimsha Rasheed is a Nutritionist by profession, a reptile lover and a researcher. Rimsha has joined our team as a diligent writer who reassesses all the facts through professional help to curate a perfect care guide for you and your pet.

Rimsha Rasheed

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