Regal Jumping Spider – A Comprehensive Guide

Are you tired of the same old boring pets like dogs and cats? Looking for something a little more exotic and intriguing? Look no further than the Regal Jumping Spider! These little critters may be small, but they pack a big punch of personality. With their bright and colorful abdomens, they’re sure to add some flair to your home. Plus, they’re low maintenance, so you won’t have to worry about constantly cleaning up after them. So if you’re ready to add a unique and spunky pet to your family, the Regal Jumping Spider might be the one for you! Just make sure you have a good set of jumping shoes ready, because these spiders can really leap!


The Regal Jumping Spider (Phidippus regius) is a species of spider native to the United States. It is believed to have evolved in the United States over millions of years and is not known to have been introduced to any other areas. The Regal Jumping Spider belongs to the family Salticidae, which is a large and diverse group of spiders known for their excellent jumping ability. The Regal Jumping Spider is named for its bright and colorful abdomen, which ranges in color from metallic green to purple to red. It is a popular species among those interested in keeping spiders as pets due to its small size, easy care requirements, and fascinating behavior.


The Regal Jumping Spider (Phidippus regius) is a species of spider native to the United States. It is known for its brightly colored and iridescent abdomen, which can range in color from metallic green to purple to red. The body of the Jumping Spider is relatively small, usually only growing to be about half an inch in length. The spider has eight legs and two main body segments: the cephalothorax (which includes the head and thorax) and the abdomen. The legs of the Regal Spider are thin and elongated, and the spider is able to move quickly and agilely using these legs.

Care Guide:

The Regal Jumping Spider is a relatively easy spider to care for, making it a popular choice for those interested in keeping spiders as pets. However, it is important to properly research and understand the needs of the Regal Jumping Spider before bringing one into your home.


When it comes to housing, it is important to provide the Regal Jumping Spider with a spacious enclosure that allows it plenty of room to move around and explore. A terrarium or tank with a secure lid is a suitable option for housing the Regal Jumping Spider. The enclosure should be at least 10-20 gallons in size for one adult spider, and it should be equipped with plenty of hiding places and climbing opportunities. Live or artificial plants can be added to the enclosure to provide the spider with additional hiding places and to create a more naturalistic environment.

Enclosure Temperature/Humidity:

The Regal Jumping Spider requires a specific range of temperature and humidity in its enclosure in order to thrive. The ideal temperature range for the Regal Jumping Spider is between 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity should be kept at around 50-60%. It is important to monitor the temperature and humidity levels in the enclosure and to make adjustments as needed to ensure that the spider is comfortable and healthy.


The Regal Jumping Spider is an insectivorous species, meaning that it feeds on insects. In the wild, the Regal Jumping Spider preys on a variety of insects including flies, beetles, and moths. In captivity, the Regal Jumping Spider can be fed a varied diet of insects such as crickets, flies, and roaches. It is important to offer the spider a varied diet in order to provide it with the nutrients it needs to thrive. The spider should be fed every other day, and any uneaten insects should be removed from the enclosure to prevent them from attacking the spider.

Lifespan & Health Concerns:

The Regal Jumping Spider has a lifespan of about 1-2 years. It is important to monitor the health of the spider and to address any concerns as soon as they arise. Common health issues that can affect the Regal Jumping Spider include mites, respiratory infections, and other parasites. It is important to regularly check the spider for signs of illness such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and abnormal behavior.


The Regal Jumping Spider is a solitary species and does not typically interact with other spiders. It is an active and curious spider that is constantly exploring and searching for food. The spider uses its keen eyesight and excellent jumping ability to locate and capture its prey. The Regal Jumping Spider is not aggressive towards humans and will usually try to flee or hide when threatened.

How to Keep The Regal Jumping Spider Safe?

  1. Provide a secure enclosure

    It is important to ensure the spider’s enclosure has a secure lid to prevent it from escaping. The enclosure should also be kept in a location where it is not likely to be disturbed by pets or children.

  2. Handle the spider gently

    When handling the Regal Jumping Spider, it is important to be gentle and to avoid squeezing or crushing the spider. It is also important to wash your hands before and after handling the spider to prevent the spread of any potential diseases.

  3. Keep the enclosure clean

    The enclosure should be cleaned regularly to remove any excess debris or uneaten insects. This will help prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and parasites that could harm the spider.

  4. Offer a varied diet

    As mentioned earlier, offering the Regal Jumping Spider a varied diet is important to provide it with the nutrients it needs to thrive.

  5. Monitor the health

    Regularly check the spider for signs of illness and address any concerns as soon as they arise.

Good Housing:

To ensure that the Regal Jumping Spider has a good quality of life, providing it with a suitable housing setup is important. The enclosure should be spacious and equipped with plenty of hiding places and climbing opportunities. The enclosure should also be kept at the appropriate temperature and humidity levels, and it should be kept clean to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and parasites.


The Regal Jumping Spider requires a spacious enclosure in order to have room to move around and explore. A terrarium or tank with a secure lid is a suitable option for housing the spider. The enclosure should be at least 10-20 gallons in size for one adult spider, and it should be equipped with plenty of hiding places and climbing opportunities.

Does the Regal Jumping Spider Pose a Threat to Humans?

The Regal Jumping Spider is not aggressive towards humans and will usually try to flee or hide when threatened. While the spider is venomous, its venom is not harmful to humans and it is not considered a threat to human health. However, it is still important to handle the spider gently and to wash your hands before and after handling it to prevent the spread of any potential diseases.

Average Cost and Where to Buy Regal Jumping Spider:

The cost of a Regal Jumping Spider will vary depending on where it is purchased. The spider can typically be purchased from pet stores or online retailers that specialize in exotic pets. The average cost is around $10-20, although prices may vary.

Cost of Maintenance:

The cost of maintaining a Regal Jumping Spider will depend on several factors, including the cost of the spider itself, the cost of its enclosure, and the cost of its food. The spider should be fed every other day, and a varied diet of insects such as crickets, flies, and roaches will be necessary. The enclosure should also be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and parasites. The cost of these supplies will vary, but it is generally not a particularly expensive hobby to keep a Regal Jumping Spider.

Spider Food:

The Regal Jumping Spider is an insectivorous species, meaning that it feeds on insects. In the wild, the Regal Jumping Spider preys on a variety of insects including flies, beetles, and moths. In captivity, the Regal Jumping Spider can be fed a varied diet of insects such as crickets, flies, and roaches. It is important to offer the spider a varied diet in order to provide it

with the nutrients it needs to thrive. The spider should be fed every other day, and any uneaten insects should be removed from the enclosure to prevent them from attacking the spider. It is also important to ensure that the insects used as food are gut-loaded (fed a nutritious diet) in order to provide the spider with the necessary nutrients.

Spider Housing:

The Regal Jumping Spider requires a spacious enclosure in order to have room to move around and explore. A terrarium or tank with a secure lid is a suitable option for housing the spider. The enclosure should be at least 10-20 gallons in size for one adult spider, and it should be equipped with plenty of hiding places and climbing opportunities. Live or artificial plants can be added to the enclosure to provide the spider with additional hiding places and to create a more naturalistic environment. The enclosure should also be kept at the appropriate temperature and humidity levels, and it should be kept clean to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and parasites.

Facts and Useful Information:

– The Regal Jumping Spider is native to the United States.

– The spider has a brightly colored and iridescent abdomen that can range in color from metallic green to purple to red.

– The Regal Jumping Spider is a solitary species and does not typically interact with other spiders.

– The spider has excellent eyesight and is able to locate and capture its prey using its keen vision and excellent jumping ability.

– The Regal Jumping Spider is not aggressive towards humans and will usually try to flee or hide when threatened.

– The spider has a lifespan of about 1-2 years.

– The Regal Jumping Spider is a relatively easy spider to care for, making it a popular choice for those interested in keeping spiders as pets.

– The spider requires a specific range of temperature and humidity in its enclosure in order to thrive.

– The Regal Jumping Spider is an insectivorous species and should be fed a varied diet of insects such as crickets, flies, and roaches.

– The cost of a Regal Jumping Spider will vary depending on where it is purchased, but it is typically around $10-20.

– The cost of maintaining a Regal Jumping Spider will depend on the cost of the spider itself, the cost of its enclosure, and the cost of its food.


The Regal Jumping Spider (Phidippus regius) is a popular species among those interested in breeding spiders. However, it is important to properly research and understand the needs of the Regal Jumping Spider before attempting to breed them.

1. Provide suitable housing: It is important to provide the Regal Jumping Spider with a spacious enclosure that allows for plenty of room to move around and explore. The enclosure should be equipped with plenty of hiding places and climbing opportunities, as well as live or artificial plants to create a more naturalistic environment.

2. Maintain proper temperature and humidity: The Spider requires a specific range of temperature and humidity in its enclosure in order to thrive. The ideal temperature range for the Regal Jumping Spider is 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity should be around 50-60%.

3. Offer a varied diet: The Regal Jumping Spider is an insectivorous species and should be fed a varied diet of insects such as crickets, flies, and roaches. It is important to ensure that the insects used as food are gut-loaded (fed a nutritious diet) in order to provide the spider with the necessary nutrients.

4. Separate males and females: It is important to keep males and females separate until breeding season in order to prevent any aggression or territorial behavior.

5. Introduce the male to the female: When breeding season approaches, the male can be introduced to the female’s enclosure. The male will typically perform a courtship dance in order to attract the female.

6. Wait for the female to lay eggs: If the female is receptive, she will lay a sac of eggs, which can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to hatch.

7. Care for the spiderlings: Once the eggs hatch, the spiderlings will need to be provided with food and a suitable enclosure until they are old enough to be separated and moved to their own enclosures.

It is important to note that breeding Regal Jumping Spiders can be a challenging and time-consuming process, and it is not recommended for those who are not experienced with spider breeding. It is also important to remember that the Regal Jumping Spider is a living being and should be treated with care and respect throughout the breeding process.


We hope that this guide has provided you with all the information you need to properly care for your Spider. These fascinating creatures make for unique and interesting pets; with the right care, they can thrive in captivity. However, it is important to remember that the Regal Jumping Spider is a living being and should be treated with care and respect. If you have any further questions or concerns about caring for your Jumping Spider, don’t hesitate to reach out to a veterinarian or a professional exotic pet care specialist.

We want to hear from you! If you have any additional tips or experiences with caring for Regal Jumping Spiders, share them with us in the comments. Your feedback and insights can help other spider enthusiasts in their journey to properly care for their beloved pet spiders.

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